no relativity when x is prime there is no time no time dilation no time variation length ain't contracting when velocity is acting descartes would be furious or at least a bit curious with their mathematical game include two origins in just one frame ignore that coordinates exude an inordinate quantity of abscissas what a stretch that this is galileo transformed lorentz then conformed just substitute and solve and let it all revolve... around this equation let v = c and length gets tiny and time gets wee then al came along and we all sang his song his theory he shared mass times c squared but there must be a flaw cause it still ain't no law no v, no t, no relativity and x don't equal no x prime plus vt though physics seems relevant i state without comedy it is really just a question for coordinate geometry though time ain't absolute i would still try to refute events are sequential two observers not evidential three observers informed how they all are joined by time and by space events can be placed these events are not equal to no horizonal sequel this connection's a sham no space time diagram and for further detriment his famous thought experiment some lightening and a train strikes the logic of my brain like the twins, one shot into space traveling faster in her pace and though this trip has made her bolder she has come back as the younger not older for light is a physical thing and carries its energy sting its mass makes it curve and descartes would deserve... a straighter approach which none could reproach for light comes in waves which spheres can't engage all matter is dark much smaller than quarks charge comes on later when newton's law mean greater... clusters of matter get fatter and fatter and all that there is is all that there was there still remains one nuclear point the source of which makes them anoint their schrodinger wave equation with no concern for external relation... for spheres can never make a sphere regardless of how they adhere and even light is an agglomeration that must shoot through holes in calibration isaac was right in all that he said 'cept maybe one issue which is now dead points in space are fixed in a grid forever in place existing amid... these clusters of mass each on its path though moved by no self thought have always never forgot... that though mass attracts mass over distances vast that close to another charge starts to take over from creation to einstein there is a fine line and of others i've spoke of i don't make no joke of... for this is my ode to descartes to whom he owes a ceiling fly his start and while he watched in fascination he plotted its course by coordination a tip of the hat for doing that but lets give him his due for all that he knew |