Waterman Physics

Mathematical logic of the Galilean equation x' = x-vt challenged...
where x = distance and (x,y,z) = a point
Given Cartesian coordinate system S(x,y,z),
the abscissa x mathematically means the lineal distance along the x axis from S(0,0,0) to S(x,0,0).
Given Cartesian coordinate system S'(x',y',z'),
the abscissa x' mathematically means the lineal distance along the x' axis from S'(0,0,0) to S'(x',0,0)
Given that the abscissa x of S equals the abscissa x' of S'; [x' = x] when both systems are coincident, then it is true,
that should either system be moved from that coincidence a distance equal to vt,
that the abscissa of S = abscissa of S'; [x' = x],
therefore [the Galilean transformation equation abscissa of x' = abscissa of x -vt is incorrect]. Noting too that S'(x',y',z') = S(x-vt,y,z) is true.

WHAT IF coordinates ARE fixed?
    math versus physical
    fixed point space
    fixed interval time

WHAT IF matter IS solely composed of "unit/fixed" spheres of equal size and equal mass?
    fixed quanta mass

WHAT IF photons ARE clusters of unit spheres?
    fixed wavelength light

     17 postulates [ time, space, light, mass ]

     establishing a reference system

     my challenge to the mathematics of Relativity    [ 2 xkcd threads combined totals of over 6000 posts and over 280,000 views from July 2012 ]

     This applet among several applets written during the thread by Robert Schroll employs my intersection algorithms to determine
        THE transmission site-and-time when applying a universal time approach.
        I am postulating that this approach could manifest BOTH the simultaneous location AND the momentum of a particle.

     FTL Effect

    11 million mile tall dancer

    original poems sparked by xkcd comics      chess photo     a bunch of rocks     purity

    My Physics constants derivation from 4 math consants
        ... over 1000 equations that use my derived values ( results are in alphabetical order )

    How I was lead to challenge currently accepted physical constant values

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