causing some waves
steve waterman dec 13, 2000
i have been forced to rock the bucky boat
and strong as ever, still stays afloat
he packed his spheres, 12 round 1
and from that start we have all begun
unproven by newton, though greatly suspected
13 was wrong as he had projected
from the 12, a hull was made
he took this shape and commenced his parade
frequency 1 and frequency 2
maintaining hull shape was his rule
with these frequencies i can agree
but would suggest a tweak for frequency 3
there he places spheres at root 9
but those at root 8, he elects to decline
from my point of view would never occur
for all spheres have mass and thusly deserve...
a link to gravity and its attraction
and what is meant by this action
as a coin will fly off a spinning plate
root 9 spheres will eject before root 8
i too see spheres, grouped by distance
but to ignore gravity, i have my resistance
disecting its roots, each a parameter
returns a figure, having radial diameter
i do have to mention, one thing i dont get
his reasoning behind, all things are tet
frequency 1, he counts 20 in all
but there are but 8, and the rest fall...
into a pyramid whose base is square
each twice the tet volume, i so declare
so we each get volumes of 20 tets
while he sees 1, i see 2 sets;
inverse pyramids along each axis
inverse tets to fill the cracks with
radial sweeps show the sectors
pyramids and tets along 14 vectors
it does not matter what distance you choose
these 14 vectors, you never will lose
so 12 round 1 is surely a clue
since not just tetrahedrons come into view