Avogadro's number |
E Q U A T I O N S |
A times B |
1 |
1/pi |
Rydbergxhc squard |
0.000000 |
2 |
electron molr mss |
Ryberg constant |
-2.082090 |
3 |
Fermi coupling |
1/(2 pi squared) |
-0.243243 |
4 |
molar volume Si |
Wien frq/Wien wve |
-0.598944 |
5 |
neutron molar mss |
hc squared |
-0.234999 |
6 |
Newtonian gravtat |
permittivity elec |
-0.233092 |
7 |
vol idel gs |
area 1 |
-0.076279 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
A divided by B |
1 |
Bohr radius |
light squared |
-1.981855 |
2 |
classical elct rd |
elementary charge |
-2.694815 |
3 |
electron molr mss |
electron mass |
-2.015082 |
4 |
Fermi coupling |
2 pi squared |
-2.117427 |
5 |
Hartree energy |
Nccp density |
-2.117427 |
6 |
molar gas constnt |
Boltzmann |
0.106456 |
7 |
molar Planck cnst |
Planck constant |
-2.037846 |
8 |
molar volume Si |
Wien wve/Wien frq |
-1.743859 |
9 |
permittivity elec |
(3/2) |
-2.117427 |
10 |
Rydbergxhc squard |
pi |
-2.117427 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
6.02214199 |
relationship |
kg |
/ |
amu |
-0.2751447 |
The number of molecules
in a mole of a substance |
mole is defined as the amount of substance of a
system which contains as |
"elemental entities" (e.g., atoms, molecules, ions, electrons) as
there are |
atoms in 12 g of
carbon-12. |
highligted |
derivative |
nist |
copyright steve waterman january 2009 |