Stefan - Boltzmann constant |
E Q U A T I O N S |
A times B |
1 |
elementary charge |
sphere radius rt2 |
-0.589878 |
2 |
5 |
rd ed 1 total srf |
0.000000 |
3 |
6 |
rd ed1 fc surface |
0.000000 |
4 |
sphere radius 1 |
r(sp)d sp vol 1 |
0.000000 |
5 |
Josephson constnt |
Newtonian gravtat |
-0.838189 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
A divided by B |
1 |
char imped of vac |
sphere area rt3 |
-0.238885 |
2 |
Josephson constnt |
rhmb do ed 3/2 |
-0.238885 |
3 |
1/(81) |
Rydbergxhc in J |
-0.121894 |
4 |
4 |
r(sp)d diam 1 |
-0.238885 |
5 |
12 |
rd ed 3/ rt2 vol |
-0.238885 |
6 |
32 |
rhmb do ed rt 3/2 |
-0.238885 |
7 |
64 |
rd ed 1 total srf |
-0.238885 |
8 |
1/(3) |
Wien freq displmt |
-0.007704 |
9 |
rd ed 1 total srf |
2 |
-0.238885 |
10 |
rd ed 3/ rt2 vol |
first radiaton cn |
-0.019490 |
11 |
rd ed1 fc surface |
proton mass kg |
-0.594058 |
12 |
rhmb do ed 3/rt2 |
r(sp)d diam rt2 |
-0.238885 |
13 |
sphere radius 1 |
Nccp density |
-0.238885 |
14 |
sphere radius rt3 |
Compton / 2 pi |
-0.599193 |
15 |
2 |
r(sp)d diam 1 |
-0.238885 |
16 |
8 |
rd ed 1 total srf |
-0.238885 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body in unit time
is |
proportional to the
fourth power of the thermodynamic temperature. |
Thermodynamic temperature
is the absolute measure of temperature |
null or zero point, absolute zero, is the temperature at which the
particle |
constituents of matter
have minimal motion and can be no colder. |
highligted |
derivative |
nist |
copyright steve waterman january 2009 |